On August 1, Tapas y Vino, was awarded Designated Blue Zone restaurant from Healthways Inc. A ribbon cutting ceremony commemorated the event followed by appetizers and wine for the attendees.

Blue Zones is a community-wide approach to creating healthier, happier and more productive individuals. Its principles are based on findings they’ve discovered by examining the lifestyles of people with the greatest life expectancies. They promote behavioral and policy changes for people to adopt and maintain healthier lifestyles.
In 2010, Blue Zones Inc. partnered with Healthways and expanded the community initiative to California. The Blue Zones Project™ was created by Healthways Inc., in partnership with Beach Cities Health District.
Out of 55 competing cities in California, only three were chosen: Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach. Within the three cities there are now 56 restaurants that are designated Blue Zone restaurants. Last Thursday, Tapas y Vino became the latest South Bay designated Blue Zone restaurant.

Redondo Beach mayor, Steve Aspel was on hand to show his support for Tapas y Vino. In fact, he said, “Tapas and Vino is my favorite restaurant in the Village.” Carrie Anne Blevins from Heathways provided owner Andy Di Girgis with the giant scissors to perform the official ribbon cutting during the ceremony.

More information about the Blue Zones Project may be found here.
- Tapas y Vino
- 1729 Catalina Ave, Redondo Beach, Ca 90277; (310) 791-8200
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TapasYVinoRB
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapasyvino